The crowded IAAPA 2004 show floor |
From 17 to 20 November 2004 more than 1300 manufacturers and
suppliers of the amusement industry presented their products and
novelties at the 86th IAAPA Convention in Orlando, Florida, the
centre of the Disney, Universal and Co. theme parks. More than
5000 park operators and companies from more than 85 nations are
organized in the International Association of Amusement Parks and
The IAAPA Convention is the most important trade show of the
industry worldwide and is accompanied by an extensive supporting
programme and a multitude of symposiums. Coastersandmore was
looking for innovative high tech novelties on the 100.000 square
meters large exhibition floor and discovered very interesting
news: The following product overview presents the most outstanding
roller coaster and dark ride concepts as well as interesting
engineering tools.
While the park scene and many suppliers had to experience a
difficult low in the last couple of years, the multitude of
visitors as well as the presented novelties and product lines
clearly show that the industry looks ahead optimistically -
including sellers and buyers: "We saw a very high quality
attendance, with more European and Mideast parks, as well as
emerging market facilities, than ever before", stated Vekomas
Charlotte van Etten, echoing the sense among exhibitors of
increased overseas buyer traffic this year.
Expedition Everest at Disney's Animal Kingdom |
Nevertheless, in 2005 especially the American parks will present
a multiplicity of gigantic new roller coasters to their patrons -
the number of deliveries has reached the state of three years ago.
The European market also participates in the growing development,
albeit the dimensions of the roller coasters don´t match
their multitudinousness: S&S, Maurer Söhne,
Intamin, Vekoma and Mack can add several
innovative installations to their reference lists in 2005, among
them multiple European or even World premiers. A glance at the
future is likewise optimistic: In 2006 the park visitors in and
around Germany will be pleased by two new major roller coasters
with serious hit potential.
Impressions of Walt Disney World's
Expedition Everest...
At the Orlando area presently the Walt Disney Company makes
some major investments: In the next two years alone three E-ticket
attractions will open up at the Walt Disney World Resort
in Florida, among them Expedition Everest at the Animal
Kingdom park, a more than 100 million US dollars roller
coaster in the shape of a 60 meters high replica of the Himalaja
mountains. The family coaster integrated therein will outshine all
previous coaster projects designed by the Disney Imagineers
in terms of height and ride experience: Video projections,
backwards elements, in- and outdoor sections as well as an
encounter with the Abominable Snowman will make the completely
themed coaster trip an experience on the highest level. The
hardware in the form of an elaborate steel coaster is delivered by
a European manufacturer. |
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treasures of Pandora's Box in a picture series |
Close-partnered with the German dark ride supplier Heimo
and Vekoma Rides Manufacturing presented Pandora´s
Box, one of the most outstanding novelties on the show floor.
The dark ride system combines a show experience with an 18 meters
high free fall tower whose suspended seats can rotate around three
additional axes.
Due to traditional dark ride systems, the high tech system fits
a very small space of minimal 18 x 40 meters. The builing
structure is similar to a high rack storage area. Visitors will
expect a combination of dark ride scenes and thrill elements while
the "free fall towers" move around the building core
with it's array of show cells arranged horizontally as well as
vertically. "The interaction is the clue", says Olaf
Mordelt of Heimo: "The patrons experience a show
scene looking into a chamber packed with animatronics, special
effects and video-projections and something will happen, something
they will feel."
Imagine that: You are looking into a gold mine and suddenly an
enormous explosion blasts you on your back and with 2g up into the
air - a 15 meters blast into nowhere. The thrill experience offers
solutions for every target group: High thrill rides for the young
and adventurous, can be varied by more moderate family rides:
While viewing an aquatic scene, the passenger carriage rocks
gently to and fro, as if the passengers were part of the scenery.
Pandora's Box features a teachnology with enormous
potential: The vehicle consists of a pole with carriages on top
and bottom. They are guided along a horizontal track, on the
circumferences of the building core. The vehicle is self
propelled. A carriage can move vertically along the pole, as well
as rotate around it. Two seats assemblies are connected to this
carriage by arm-like structures. Within these arms, hings are
incorporated to allwo the seat assemblies to perform banking and
tilting motions. All motions are separately driven my onboard
motors and are free programmable. This allows multiple sequences
and combinations of motions. By combining horizontal and vertical
translation, all scenes within the array can be viewed.
Regards to roller coasters Vekoma Rides Manufacturing
won the IAAPA Major Theme or Amusement Park Ride/Attraction
award for the Booster Bike at Toverland, the
Netherlands, and could put even the elaborate high tech roller
coaster Revenge of the Mummy of the American Premier Rides
behind. Motorbike Coaster number 2 will be delivered to
Flamingo Land, UK in spring 2005 - including a longer
track layout, a higher launch speed and more intense
Junior Coaster at Cypress Gardens |
In addition, the Dutch manufacturer will deliver a customized
Suspended Looping Coaster with four inversions (vertical
loop, cobra roll and zero-G roll) to the family zoo park in
Northern England. Not less than nine rides will open up in the
next months. Among them a Suspended Famlily Coaster for
Utah based Lagoon Park, USA and even this year, a 335
meters long family coaster with an open train design and also a
Suspended Family Coaster for the re-opened Cypress
Gardens in Florida.
There will further be four Vekoma coasters in Asia: A
mine coaster as well as a customized Suspended Looping Coaster
will be delivered to OCT.
A customized Junior Coaster in mine train style
installed at a mountainside is currently being build for the
re-vitalized South Korean Everland Park, as a fourth
delivery an indoor coaster for the Huanan Mall in China
can be mentioned. The upswing in Asia is still ongoing, so that
Vekoma Rides Manufacturing has recently opened a factory
at the Shenzen region in China in addition to the existing
production facility in Czechia with 220 employees. |
Overview Suspended Family Coaster |
Rendering Switch & Go |
Vekoma´s Account Manager Charlotte van Etten
presented two more coaster designs: The product line has been
extended by a spinning coaster concept and the Switch & Go
coaster. At the latter development the train is pushed from the
station to the main track via a transfer platform and vertically
pulled aloft backwards. After a short and adrenaline pumping dwell
the train is released from the pull cart and negotiates an
entertaining course including inversions. "Switch & Go
combines the lift experience of our bestseller Boomerang with a
vertical drop at a way higher capacity, that is to say up to 1350
riders per hour, and a longer ride duration", says Vekoma´s
concept designer Stefan Holtman.
Boomerang number 45 will debut in 2005 at the so far
unknown Finnish Power Park, featuring the MK 1211
train design with an open seat arrangement and magnetic brakes
used at the South Korean Everland Park for the first time.
The owner, a wealthy private businessman, moreover bought a
wooden coaster from CGI for 2006. This year Great
Coaster International has created a masterpiece of classic
wooden coaster architecture with Thunderbolt at Dollywood.
The ride for Power Park will be CGI´s first
one for Europe. |
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RoboCoaster on track |
Another show highlight was the RobCocoaster track system
by Amec Dynamic Structures: This concept combines the RoboCoaster
by the German company KUKA known from Legoland Germany
and Denmark with a track-based, powered roller coaster
featuring a 3D track. The seat unit was delivered by Vekoma
Rides Manufacturing. The implementation of this high tech
development is a demanding task for the Canadian professionals at
Amec, a company with the know how of more than 45.000
employees and countless successful projects in dynamically
stressed steel construction. In the last years Amec was
involved as a third party in numerous roller coasters as
well as theme park projects for Universal or the Walt
Disney Company.
The RoboCoaster track system is an advanced roller
coaster track for robotic ride vehicles. The ride vehicles consist
of a 4-axis robotic ride platform mounted on a unique ride vehicle
chassis. The RoboCoaster makes use of the latest "state
of the art" robotics control technology, and generates smooth
and seamless motion profiles, including complete rolls and
overhead loops across the whole range of motion. It is capable of
2g's, yet is smooth at very low speeds, with a repeatability of
0.2mm. Using motion path planning currently available from one of
the world's largest robot manufacturers, the motion of the robot
joints and vehicle may be combined to give an infinite variety of
passenger motion profiles.
Left: New track profile - right: RoboCoaster
in action |
Amec has the capability to supply a complete range of
competitive RoboCoaster track solutions in the medium and
high capacity amusement ride sectors. The RoboCoaster track
system is primarily for use in an enclosed environment to make
the most of its high impact visual presence and interactive
capabilities. It is also well suited for use as an open air ride
designed to fit with any park, to suit all geographical,
environmental and layout requirements. The track system may be
floor mounted or overhead mounted, depending on the budget and
creative intent of the attraction.
The next level of this project will result in the virtual
theming of the ride which incorporates a high impact visual
presence, infinite variety of motion and interactive capabilities.
The computer animation will truly bring the next generation of
rides to this industry. Rides that create experiences such as
flying an F16 Fighter Jet or riding in a Mars Rover are maybe the
Inter alia Amec Dynamic Structures is involved in the
new track system for Disneyland´s Space Mountain,
reopening 2005, as well as the movable platform for Soarin´
Over California at its sister park. Here, riders experience a
daring flight above a gigantic Imax screen in a glider. A
copy of this E-ticket ride is currently under construction
for the 2005 season of the Epcot Center at Walt Disney
World. |
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Ready for high speed motorcycling... |
But there are also innovative developments in smaller
dimensions: Peter Schäfer of German P. Schäfer
amusement technology presented the prototype of his motorbike
concept, a design he holds a two years old intellectual property
right for. Peter Schäfer joined the booth of his
American partners Martin & Vleminckx, responsible for
the erection of Top Thrill Dragster or the new Kingda
Unlike at the known train concept of the Dutch coaster
specialists of Vekoma two riders take their seats behind
each other on a high speed machine - the motorbike is the vehicle
at the same time. Testing the mock-up already promises a genuine
and very intense race feeling: The riders nearly lie on the huge
motorcycle. This special riding position guarantees high speeds of
100 kph and more.
The fundamental idea dealed with single cars, potential
customers suggested a complete train model due to capacity
problems. The preliminary track layout supports Peter
Schaefers desires for a high speed motorbike feeling without
compromises. The 5-coach train will accelerate in 2.7 seconds to
110 kph powered by a 70 meters long linear induction motors track.
The following 900 meters track length consists of fast and intense
shifts in direction, steep turns and camelbacks. Actually, there
are several track-combinations near the ground level to emphasize
the motorbike feeling. Maybe we will see this layout in the near
future... |
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While Swiss consulting engineers Bolliger & Mabillard
as well as Intamin AG presented their new developments
exclusively to customers - at Intamin a very compact
coaster concept with a linear motor based on the Arrow
development X at Six Flags Magic Mountain is under
discussion - Zierer / FAB presented the latest product for
the German pavilion at the Expo 2005 in Japan at their
booth. Video shoots of the test rides of the bare steel structure
erected at the Bavarian company facilities show an interesting
ride concept combining dark ride, simulator and roller coaster.
The track includes vertical lifts and mogul slopes and can easily
be upgraded with a motion base platform similar to the one of Spiderman
at Universal´s Island of Adventure.
In addition, Zierer / FAB push the implementation of
their new Tower Speed Coaster concept whose single cars
negotiate a high speed course after a vertical lift and drop. |
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Action as its best: Screamin' Swing (left) and
Sky Swatter (right) |
Quin Checketts of Utah-based S&S Sports Inc.
is pleased to see three European premiers of his daring ride
concepts: Screamin´ Swing and Sky Swatter,
two gigantic swings, will open up at Thorpe Park. Screamin´
Swing features a unique ride experince with high accelerations
according to it's pneumatic drives. And the "Screaming"
does not end...: Screaming Squirrel, a "tilted"
Wild Mouse with breathtaking upside-down drops, will celebrate its
debut in 2005 at Italian Gardaland: "Screaming
Squirrel offers a breathtaking boundary experience on a very tight
footprint. The vehicles face the abyss several times, negotiating
tight, vertical 180 degree bends at 10 kilometers per hour,
putting riders upside-down", Quin Checketts
illustrates the unique coaster design.
He sees S&S´s future especially in small,
innovative thrill rides, although the company would be able to
tackle large coaster projects at any time. By the acquisition of
Arrow and the know how of the wooden coaster experts CCI
a major engineering potential is available.
Currently the second roller coaster on the basis of the Arrow
4D coaster concept X is being built. Two seats are mounted on
each side of the vehicle, being rotatable for 360 degrees
perpendicular to the direction of travel. The rotation is produced
by a mechnical system and controlled by the track. "Higher,
faster and with more ride elements" is what Quin
Checketts promises for the Japanese version. For that purpose
the pioneering prototype built for Six Flags Magic Mountain,
California was completely reworked. Instead of an axle the
engineers incorporate an Ackermann steering as it is used by B&M,
Intamin and - recently - Vekoma. For the average
rider the differences won´t be perceivable. The trains with
their gigantic span width of over 6 meters will inter alia
negotiate a new ride element, the so-called "Full Full":
While the train negotiates an element similar to a zero-G roll,
performing a 360 degrees roll around the longitudinal axis, the
seats do a full backwards rotation. Full, full, so to say...
Quin Checketts presents the new Powder Keg
roller coaster |
A second new coaster development is due to open in 2005 at Silver
Dollar City in Missouri: Powder Keg uses the station
and some of the existing track elements of the former Premier
Rides Liquid Coaster BuzzSaw Falls which had to give way for
the S&S ride after only five years of operation.
Particularly the adjustments to the local demands were a serious
task for the S&S engineers: "The transfer track
conveying the train to the launch track was necessary only due to
the existing track elements", says Quin Checketts.
The station building resembles a gun powder mill that fell
victim to an enormous explosion. The train is literally blasted
onto the following, family orientated coaster trip by a shock
wave. The horsepowers necessary for the catapult launch are
provided by a pneumatic device - 85 km/h are reached within 2.8
seconds. Powder Keg´s propulsion technology is based
on the pneumatic launch system Thrust Air 2000 which was
used for the first time at Paramount´s Kings Dominion,
but instead of the I-shaped track profile conventional curcular
tubes will be used in conjunction with a completely new train
design for 16 riders. The 1069 meters long track will also offer a
chain lift interrupting the action packed, twisting layout to set
off the last third of the ride. |
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Layout Sky Wheel with complete track sets |
A huge step forward for Maurer Söhne will be the
installation of the Barnstorm coaster equipped with
numerous innovations for Drayton Manor Park, England in
summer 2005. For the second time - after the Sky Wheel at
Skyline Park, Germany, due to open to the public in spring
2005 - the remarkable X-Car vehicles will be employed,
mastering inversions completely without over-the-shoulder
restraints due to the groundbreaking and patented seat system.
"Even slow upside down experiences are possible with our
X-Seat without problems", says Maurer Söhne
Managing Director Jörg Beutler. "There is no
hangtime in the traditional sense with the X-Car."
Modell spinning coaster Parque de Atracciones
Madrid |
The Humpty Bump lift used for the Sky Wheel, an
element at which the six-seated cars are pulled aloft vertically
to be turned upside down in a quarter backflip, will also be
employed at Barnstorm. "The moment when the car hangs
heads down and the riders are only held by the ergonomic lap bars
is a totally unique feeling", raves Jörg Beutler.
The Drayton Manor version offers a closed track with two
more inversions integrated in the new Bent Cuban Eight
element (an eight standing upright, being bent in the middle) as
well as an impressively steep camelback promising a
totally new airtime experience. The train design is such
that Barnstorm´s 385 meters of track can be arranged
on the small footprint of a Boomerang coaster. Curve radii
as low as three meters offer totally unknown possibilities to the
track designers.
The layout of Sky Wheel, an erected oval standing about
50 meters high with two impressive inversions, has also been shown
with its two further stages of extension. But Skyline Park
won´t open the first one before 2007, although the final
layout has been integrated into the portfolio of Maurer Söhne.
With the XTRAC tool (Extended Track Construction
Software) developed together with the university of
Duisburg the Maurer Söhne engineers have a
software system at hand that allows for realizing intense track
layouts in a very short time, from the first idea to the
production drawings of the track. All stages are included in just
one environment, making the program a one-of-a-kind tool. It´s
capabilities can be shown taking the Spinning Coaster Tarantula
for Parque de Atracciones Madrid as an example: The track
is designed in a 3D environment and can instantly be tested with
any vehicle or train configuration while the program automatically
calculates the dynamics in the background. Optimization of the
dynamics regards to higher ride comfort can be done automatically
- the corresponding changes in track geometry are carried out by
XTRAC simultaneously. The degree of details is very high:
Even the rotation of the cars can be exactly simulated for
different load configurations. According to that, further
intensified layouts compared to earlier installations are
Eight cars rotating freely will negotiate the longest Maurer
Söhne Spinning Coaster beginning with the 2005 season.
The track standing at a maximum height of 22 meters will be
integrated into the existing Mine Train attraction and
offer the known Immelmann Turns as well as several sharp
bends, numerous camelbacks, a tunnel and a building fly-through.
Due to the hilly terrain and the tunnel the track will offer a
height difference of 25.5 meters. |
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Super Splash boat for Europa Park |
Mack places emphasis on an even tighter customer
retention with a completely new corporate design - "We put
steel in motion". Franciscus Beckers sees the future
of the traditional company from Waldkirch in the field of major
water rides. With Supersplash the product line regarding
log flumes and water coasters has recently been expanded. "Our
engineering team has prepared several technological features to
raise the water experience to a completely new level", says
Franciscus Beckers.
So this year a vertical lift has been implemented for
the third water coaster delivery to Sea World San
Diego, California, and in addition rotating platforms have
been added to the portfolio. "Next year we will, among other
things, deliver an exact copy of Poseidon at Europa Park to Aqua
Show Park in Faro, Portugal", says Franciscus Beckers.
Initially ten vehicles will rush over the 750 tons steel
Layout steel structure at Europa Park |
Less freedom of movement on the track but more splash fun on the
basis of the classic Shoot the Chutes will be offered by
the second Supersplash, this time for Europa Park.
The concept with the 16 passenger boats will emphasize on the
splash side, coaster elements like drops or camelbacks
are possible, banked high speed curves are not, however. In
2005 the ride will see its splashdown with an enhanced layout on
the basis of the prototype at Tusenfryd, Norway.
As the main attraction of the new Portuguese area five vehicles
will complete a backwards drop - connected by two rotating
platforms - as well as the double drop known from the first
delivery, with the first swale at Europa Park leading
through a water basin. A track length of 390 meters and a height
of 30 meters are aimed for.
In the field of classic roller coasters the Waldkirch
company keeps on building, too: For next year a Powered
Coaster will be produced, heading towards Drievliet family
park in the Netherlands. |
Pictures: Amec, Coastersandmore, Europa Park, Heimo, IAAPA,
Maurer Söhne, P. Schäfer amusement technology, S&S,
Vekoma Rides Manufacturing - All rights reserved |