Rendering Typhoon |
In the upcoming off-season many coaster enthusiasts will
have a closer look at the Belgian Bobbejaanland, where Typhoon
will be one of 2004´s most spectacular novelties.
Coastersandmore.de will exclusively portrait the works with a
series of articles - From the first idea to the grand opening.
Jacky Schoepen, junior director of Bobbejaanland,
was looking for an adequate successor for his 24 year old Schwarzkopf
Looping Star for quite a while. He wanted another looping
coaster, but it should be something special. On a tradeshow he
saw a model at the booth of the German company Gerstlauer,
and the concept with its special kick directly appealed to him:
Single cars climb a tower-like structure, pass the top and dive
down in an angle of 97 degrees - steeper than vertical!
Almost two years later the preparations in the park and at the
manufacturer gain speed: Engineers calculate the dynamics, the
cars are being built and the track is being bent - The coaster has
to be operational on April 3rd, the first day of the 2004 season.
In November 2002 the contract was signed, in early 2003 the
engineers began with their work and now the project "Typhoon"
reaches its final stage. |