An article by Jochen Peschel |
Huge rides have a long tradition on German funfairs. In
no other country in the world rides, log flumes and roller coasters of
comparable size can be found. Constructions like Alpina-Bahn or Olympia Looping
are crowd pullers on every fairground due to their majestic appearance. But
almost ten years ago showman Oscar Bruch took another step forward and
presented the world's first and largest traveling inverted coaster:
Oscar Bruch was born into the profession of a showman
and ever since did his job with heart and soul. Under his supervision
attractions like Looping Star, the first traveling looping
coaster, or the legendary Thriller found their way to the
fairgrounds. There were almost no boundaries to his ingenuity: No ride was too
large or to daring.
"I have always been his drag shoe", says his wife Inge
Bruch. "He always has big ideas, and I care for that he remains well
grounded and the rides are financially feasible." But in the middle of the 90s
he prevailed once again. The idea of inverted coasters was rather young
and spreading quickly when he realized the potential and wanted to make it
ready for the traveling market. It should become clear very early that Eurostar
was going to be a quite unusual project companies from all over Europe would be
involved in. |
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With 11kph upwards the
lifthill |
Under the general supervision of the Bruch engineering
office, which existed in Münsterhausen between 1993 and 1997, the
development and construction of the entire attraction were carried out.
Münsterhausen is a small city in Southern Germany with traditions in
roller coasters. It was the domicile of the legendary company
Schwarzkopf. Bruch's engineering office was founded explicitly for a new
ride - that it was to be Eurostar was not foreseeable at that time.
Normally a roller coaster is commissioned to a single company that delivers the
ride virtually turnkey ready. But here the supervision was in the hands of the
own engineering office that distributed the individual tasks to several
subcontractors and coordinated their interaction.
So the Stengel engineering office conducted the exact
static and dynamic calculations on the basis of a rough track layout designed
by Oscar Bruch. This happened in thight cooperation with the Bruch
engineering office that constructed the sole at the same time. According to
the calculations a detailed model was built, now being shown at the
Stadtmuseum in Munich. The ride must have caused some headache for
Werner Stengel, since one morning he phoned the engineering office in
Münsterhausen to tell about a nightmare he had the night before. In this
nightmare he noticed that the head pieces (the connection elements between the
supports and the track backbone) are not sufficiently dimensioned. An immediate
review showed that the original calculations were absolutely correct - the
construction of Eurostar could proceed as planned.
Peppy first drop |
Under the subproject management of the Intamin AG -
which designed and produced the control system - components like the track, the
lift and most parts of the electrical system were delivered by Swiss
subcontractor Giovanola. The chocks, the sole and the supports were
produced by Mannhardt, a company from Germering in the rural district of
Fürstenfeldbruck in Southern Germany that had to declare bankruptcy during
the construction period. So Oscar Bruch founded a hive-off vehicle for
the rest of the construction phase to assure completion of his roller
The components of the trains were produced by a Dutch
company, whose name is not ascertainable anymore, while the final assembly was
carried out by Giovanola. The cash box area was done by Mack
Rides, the station and the exit area by Johann Gerstlauer, whose
brother Hubert owns the Gerstlauer Elektro GmbH. The illumination
was manufactured by the Pelz company which is located in
Münsterhausen, too.
The result of the combined efforts is truly impressive -
which can be seen by the specifications alone: The looping coaster weighs 1200
tons according to information of the operator, together with the 84 transports
it even reaches 2000 tons. A total of 126 track segments result in a track
length of 843.8 meters (plus a 22 meters storage track). With a total height of
about 35 meters (height of the entire structure) Eurostar was one of the
highest roller coasters in Germany for a long time - only for a few years there
are four higher stationary coasters. The total construction cost as specified
by the Bruch company is more than 14 million Euros. |
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Animation installation at Rheinwiesen
Düsseldorf |
Eurostar debuted on July 20th, 1995 in
Düsseldorf with a delay of six days. The reason for that was the sheer
size of the roller coaster. "At that time the dimension of the ride was simply
underestimated", tells Siegfried Scholten, who today is the technical
manager of the Bruch company. "The deconstruction at the factory in Switzerland
had started only 14 days before the opening of the Düsseldorf fair. Last
but not least due to the enormous heat that year the work progress was simply
too slow. In addition, the routine and an efficient concept were missing. The
team stood in front of a huge bunch of single parts they had to assemble to a
roller coaster."
Today assembly and disassembly follow a defined scheme that
appoints a determined place on the trailers for each element. These trailers
predominantly are customized products showing special mountings for each part
and therefore enable an efficient handling. During the first assembly and
disassembly processes the original allocation was optimized to achieve that all
parts can be directly inserted into the structure without the need to put them
down and pick them up again.
Technical drawings- Stengel
GmbH project 9306 |
The layout is the geometrical
sketch of the track. It shows the exact sequence of the ups and downs and the
inversions. The graphics consists of a ground view and an unwind of the
track. |
Unwind of track - Maximize
with left click
The ground view shows the track
layout by aerial view. The unwind of track shows the track unrolled in a plain
view. Especially the height progression is visible. Also technical information
(inclination, distance of columns, ...) are given. |
Ground view: Track and
heartline are shown - Maximize with left click |
Moving the coaster from one fair to the other is a logistic
masterpiece the technical manager Siegfried Scholten and his team
accomplished more than 60 times since the debut 1995 in Düsseldorf.
Disassembly, transport and assembly need a minimum time of eight days. This
time can only be met if 20 workers sail in around the clock and four cranes are
used. 18 tractors are necessary for transporting the trailers to their
destination in time. But this pressure is a rare exception, usually disassembly
takes 10 days and assembly 14. The whole coaster has to be laden and
transported before the assembly can begin, since Eurostar has no second
sole - as, for example, the log flume Wildwasser III of German showman
Joachim Löwenthal has.
At the same time the sole turns out to be the most complex
part of the assembly. It has the be precisely aligned in order that the whole
ride stands straight and the static and dynamic forces are safely led into the
ground. For this purpose sophisticated laser leveling instruments are used to
ensure that all support points are on the same level. The steel sole is
variably underpinned depending on the evenness of the ground. Like for all
mobile rides wooden beams and planks of different thickness are used for this
. |
length |
844 meters |
heigth |
30,15 meters |
Area |
83 x 43 meters |
velocity |
81 kph |
Max. longitudinal
banking |
45° |
Max. transversal
banking |
121° |
Max. vertical
acceleration |
5,2g |
Max. transversal
acceleration |
0,6g |
Max. longitudinal
acceleration |
0,8g (at final brakes) |
Ride time (from
lift exit to brakes) |
46 seconds |
Trains |
4, per 28 seats |
Capacity |
2880 people per hour |
Design |
Stengel GmbH, Munich |
Direction |
Münsterhausen |
Carrier |
Schausteller Oscar Bruch,
Andernach |
premiere |
July 20th
1995 |
. |
The further assembly is pure routine: Piece for piece the
respective next supports are installed and the next track segment is mounted
thereupon, resulting in an inherent stability making the single segments
standing free. Due to the conical design of the connections the mutual elements
are automatically adjusted correctly before they are fixed in position by large
bolts. For the supports the rather unusual H-profiles were used. The Stengel
engineering office had adopted them only once before for the transportable
Münchner Bahn by Schwarzkopf, a ride debuting on the
Oktoberfest in 1982.
Due to the compact design of Eurostar there was not
much room, especially for inclined supports. Tube supports standing almost
upright with an excentric load would have caused diameters of more than one
meter to lead off the occurring forces. So for Eurostar, too, the
engineers reverted to the so-called HEB-profiles that need less installation
space and are easier to handle and transport as a result of their
The trains are being transported hanging at track segments
of the station, with the track being borne on elements of the station via
transport supports. With a weight of 22.6 tons those concurrently are the
heaviest transports. In contrast to smaller coasters the chain of the lift is
not unsewed in one point and laden in one piece. Instead, it remains piecewise
in the segments of the lift and is joined later. |
. |
After leaving the station at the front side of the ride a
wide 180 degrees turn leads the train and the 28 passengers to the lift at the
back side. By means of a chain a height difference of about 30 meters is
negotiated. The following first drop describes a tight turn to the right.
Within five seconds the train accelerates from 11 to almost 81 kilometers per
The exit of the first drop ends in the large vertical loop
located parallel in front of the chain lift. This arrangement is the biggest
drawback of the layout, since the impressive element is partly concealed by the
front part of the track and the platform of the second block brake, making it
much less appealing for spectators than for example at the Olympia
Looping. In return, the position of the subsequent Revolution is all
the more striking, since the train winds through this element above the station
after a left turn towards the front of the ride.
After another left turn there is the first opportunity for
the riders to catch their breath while the track including the first block
brake unfolds between the lift hill and the vertical loop for the
complete width of the structure. After yet another left turn two consecutive
corkscrews right through the ride follow before an upwards right turn
leads into the second block brake at the front. Afterwards, the train dives
into a tight downwards helix with intense positive Gs before it
passes a small hill and rolls into the final brake at the rear of the
construction and slowly back into the station.
It is a truly impressive achievement to squeeze such a
diversified layout onto a footprint of just 83 times 43 meters, while offering
a mixture of speedy and calm sections. The already mentioned hidden arrangement
of the vertical loop is the only drawback, and it is only cosmetic in
nature. |
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The 26 meters tall vertical
loop |
IIn the course of time it appeared that the ride is rough
and unpleasant here and there, which can be explained by fabrication tolerances
on the one hand and by the frequent assembly and disassembly that particularly
strains the joinings on the other hand. This is additionally amplified by the
small footprint that leads to a tight layout with accordingly intense forces.
Already in its first year 1995 teething troubles arose. For the
Winterdom in Hamburg a brief refurbishment was conducted, during the
rest of the season and during winter 16 track segments were stiffened with
doweled joints. Those are the noticeable sheet plates between the backbone and
the track tubes.
In 2003 further optimization actions were undertaken. "It is
the intention of my husband to offer a pleasant ride on each of his
attractions. The name Oscar Bruch shall always be a synonym for quality", says
Inge Bruch. "I want to point out that the refurbishment was our own
decision and not a requirement of TÜV."
Shortly after the banks gave the go-ahead for financing the
refurbishment, Eurostar was assembled at the site of the Gerstlauer Elektro
GmbH in Münsterhausen after the Oktoberfest 2003. "Gerstlauer
had renewed the electrical system für Alpina Bahn and built attractive
rides recently. So the choice was easy whom to instruct with the revision of
Eurostar", reports Inge Bruch. As with the construction of the ride,
several companies and persons were involved in the project.
Before the assembly the team of Siegfried Scholten
conducted a manual measurement of the track gage with a calliper. This was
repeated with a special vehicle built by Gerstlauer for the assembled
ride. It appeared that there were no major shortcomings, but chances for
Left: Revolution - right: Unusual
perspective of the vertical loop |
In a second step acceleration forces were measured. This
task was fulfilled by Christian Rohm, a specialist for surveying who had
already cooperated with the Stengel engineering office in the past. He
developed a special system that allows to relate the measured forces fairly
exactly to the track position. On the basis of his work track segments were
identified that showed the highest lateral forces. Those elements were then
measured with a special 3D technique to enable comparisons with the original
construction drawings. The results were transmitted to the Stengel
engineering office for further processing and analysis to decide which
track element could and should be reformed.
At the Stengel engineering office the measured
coordinates were first compared to the originally calculated data. Harald
Wanner, who works for Werner Stengel since 1981 and who was already
responsible for the dynamic calculations during the construction of
Eurostar, was entrusted with this task. It was his job to create
manufacturing data for new track elements that would reduce the lateral
forces. |
The mission was to find a solution that creates the best
possible ride experience with feasible efforts. The main requirement was to
re-use the old backbone since it ideally fits into the coaster - a complete
re-design would have required a modification of the supports which would have
resulted in immense costs. So the maximum variation between the old and the new
track tubes was limited to three centimeters. After intensive calculations the
optimal track layout was found and the manufacturing data could be forwarded to
the Gerstlauer Elektro GmbH. According to these data, the new track
tubes were bent in Münsterhausen.
Prior to the assembly for the Düsseldorf fair in 2004
the Revolution, the turn after the Revolution and the turn after the first block brake were
replaced. Acceleration measurements after this first refurbishment phase have
shown that the maximum lateral forces could be reduced by up to two third. In
addition, prior to the Oktoberfest in Munich the vertical loop
was buttressed and holes were drilled into the doweled joints to reduce their
oscillation and therefore the noise development. This and the additional
modification of the track connections was done under the supervision of
technical manager Siegfried Scholten. "The efforts were very
worthwhile", he says. "The ride became much more pleasant. You can see from the
reactions of the riders that we have achieved a huge improvement."
In addition to the replacement of some track elements
further work was done by the Gerstlauer Elektro GmbH. To reduce the
noise development even more, the chain dog of the lift was modified. A cover is
slid over the sawtooth profile from the side by pneumatic cylinders. This makes
the detent that catches the profile in case of an emergency run on a flat
surface instead of jumping from tooth to tooth thus creating a loud noise.
Such a change in a basic safety mechanism demands a
difficult control to ensure the riders´ safety and to receive approval by
TÜV. So the speed of the train is constantly controlled. If there
is a difference from a reference speed, the cover is immediately pulled aside
and the detent can engage the sawtooth profile. As it is common with brakes,
this system is fail safe, thus adopting a safe state in case of a failure. This
is achieved by springs pulling the cover aside if the system is not powered,
making the chain dog operate as usual. With this modification the bigger part
of the noise development could be eliminated.
The helix guides the train through the
"supports jungle" |
In 2005 Eurostar starts technically smartened into
the 11th year on the road. Altogether more than one million Euros were invested
for the refurbishment - more than the cost price of many new rides. In a time
that sees huge rides on traveling fairs getting increasingly rare, the
inverted coaster still impresses with a monumental appearance and a racy
ride experience. Very well then: To another ten successfull years!
Many thanks to the following people for the friendly
support on realizing this article: Inge Bruch, Siegfried Gerstlauer, Josef
Herzog, Christian Rohm, Siegfried Scholten, Patrick Spieldiener, Harald Wanner
and Lutz Hofmann / Aqua Velis |